Strange & Sweet is Granbury Writers’ Bloc’s 2019 anthology of 43 short stories and 8 poems penned by 17 of its members. There is something for everyone in its 300+ pages including offerings in Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Action/Adventure/Western, Sci-Fi/Paranormal/Fantasy, Young Adult/Women’s Fiction, Literary, Humor, Non- Fiction, and Poetry. Endorsed by such notable authors as Charlaine Harris, James Scott Bell, and John M. Floyd, this delightful collection of stories and poems will be a welcome addition to anyone’s library.
Tall Tales and Timeless Stories were all entries in the 2021 Bloc Bloc Buster Challenge Short Story Contest sponsored by Granbury Writers’ Bloc in Granbury Texas. This contest was open to all genres except erotica, and the contest entries were limited to 1,500 words each. (The tales contained in this volume may slightly exceed the individual 1,500-word maximum due to final editing and polishing.) The stories fall into a wide range of genres, including paranormal, mystery, crime, literary, memoir, historical, science fiction, fantasy, adventure, western, young adult, and children.
Malice in Dallas, Metroplex Mysteries Volume I, is a collection of 10 short stories by 10 authors, edited by Barb Goffman, with an introduction by Charlaine Harris. While these crime-related stories share the common theme of occurring in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, their similarities diverge from there, as can be discerned from the story titles: The Family Cycle; Maggie McGrady’s Murder Mystery Cruise; Pretty in Pink; Two-Legged Creatures; The Mysterious Affair in the Escape Room; A Cowgirl Returns; Forget Me Not; Go Big or Go Home; Think of the Children; and Crime Scene.
More Words from the End of the Road (2022) is a follow-up to the Words from the End of the Road anthology published by the Key West Writer’s Guild in 2018. More Words is a collection of 28 short stories and 15 poems written by 24 club members. These stories and poems capture the unique atmosphere of the Florida Keys, and in particular Key West, where writers go to write and absorb the eclectic community spirit of the “Conch Republic.” While all the included works involve the Keys in some way, their genres, moods, and topics vary as widely as the human condition.